Cadmium Webinars
Best LMS UX of 2021
- Attendee - Free!
If you build it, they will come. But probably not! There are a lot of things that go into creating a great user experience (UX) within your LMS. UX is your key to success in crafting a learning journey that your users are excited about. Join us for this webinar as we hear from Elevate and EthosCE clients about how they have crafted a great UX on their LMS sites. This is your chance to check out some of the amazing work our clients have done in the UX arena!
This Best LMS UX of 2021 will look at:
- UX trends
- Engaging UX flows for LMS sites
- How you can start thinking about the UX of your LMS
- Creative ways to engage your users through their learning journey
This webinar is part of the Best of Cadmium 2021 series. Be sure to check out the other great roundup of webinars in this series here.

Natalie Ciavarella
Director of CME Strategic Partnerships
AsDirector of CME Strategic Partnerships, Natalie drives Mocingbird’s CMEstrategy and partnership program. Aimed at connecting users with relevant,high-quality content, Natalie works across the full lifecycle of CME partners,building strong business relationships with clients and working closelytogether to achieve long-term goals and objectives. As her first project atMocingbird, Natalie led and managed the project to source and implement a fullybuilt LMS; a key pillar in delivering a stellar UX and enabling stronger partnershipswith content creators.
Natalieis passionate about helping brands grow and transforming the way thatclinicians perceive and consume CME. She strives to ensure that our contentlibrary helps clinicians meet their complex and varied state requirements asefficiently as possible with fresh, cutting-edge material and an integratedexperience.

Juell Milder
Senior Product Management Associate
Juell manages multiple aspects of the Mocingbird platform as the Senior Product Management Associate. Dedicated to providing an incredible user experience, Juell works across the functional business units to solve the myriad pain points of maintaining medical licenses.Among Juell’s roles is site administrator for the LMS; a key portion of the end user experience. She curates valuable content for Mocingbird’s clinicians and oversees a team that executes administrative tasks. Juell works as project manager on key integrations to deliver a seamless experience. Working alongside a UX designer, Juell balances design, feasibility, and timing to develop and deliver an incredible UX.

Kristin Sergi
Lead Support Manager
- Responsible for providing support to clients who have fully launched EthosCE(LMS) websites.
- Work to reproduce issues and provide feedback on software bugs and changes.
- Manage development and QA team on support-specific items
- Organize deployment of stable Production sites.
- Train new support staff on process and support tools.
- Planner of annual conference (CadCon PEAK) and team events.
Hobbies include: Reading, Traveling, teaching ZUMBA, adventures with my son Carlo

Arianne Urena
Elevate LMS Project Manager
Arianne Urena works on Cadmium's Elevate LMS team as a project manager, implementation leader, and usability consultant. Dedicated to applying knowledge of organizations' industry, community, and business priorities, Arianne provides plans that extend membership value, increase revenue, and achieve optimal UX. She strives to ensure the LMS evolves with you and provides dynamic and advanced e-learning solutions. What she enjoys most about her specialty are the relationships she has with each client, the trust of the partnership, and the ability to provide site experiences that impress.